Thursday 13 November 2014

Farmers in Benue record bumper harvest, says AFAN

An assessment by the Benue chapter of All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN), indicated that farmers in the state recorded bumper harvest this year.
Secretary of AFAN in the state, Mr Sam Kwa’na, who disclosed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Makurdi on Monday, said the yields recorded this year surpassed that of last year by about 50 per cent.
He said that apart from the bumper harvest recorded in his personal farm, other farmers also recorded similar success.
He explained that AFAN had carried out assessment of yields recorded this year, involving
individual crop associations, thus arriving at the conclusion of 50 per cent increase in output.

The secretary attributed the success to early distribution of farm inputs by the Federal Government through its Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS), as well as abundant rainfall recorded this year.

He then urged the state and federal government, to increase their support to farmers for Nigeria to attain self-sufficiency in food production. (NAN).

Ajibola Aderonke is an auditor at professional services firm Ernst & Young (EY). She previously worked another Big 4 accounting firm PwC. She can be reached at for ideas and suggestions. The post above and its ensuing comments, if any, is purely the opinion of the writer.

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